Kintyre Wind

EnergieKontor to submit a planning application for their pre-scoped (2021) Arnicle development (09/10/24)

Energiekontor are planning to submit a Section 36 application for a  development scoped in 2021. The original windfarm was named Arnicle. This has now been renamed Allt Domhain. It will comprise 10 turbines situated between Blary Hill and Beinn an Tuirc on the spine of Kintyre. They aim to submit their Section 36 planning application early in 2025, and to hold their first public consultation event before Christmas (probably November).

SSEN Public Consultation with regard connection of additional windfarms to Carradale sub-station (10/09/24)

SSEN Transmission is holding a series of public consultation events to gather feedback with regard their plans to co-connect Tangy IV and Cnoc Buidhe windfarm projects to the recently-extended Carradale substation, prior to their contracted connection dates in 2029. Consultation events are scheduled at Glenbarr Village Hall 24th Sept. 13.30-18.30 and Carradale Village Hall 25th Sept 13.30-18.30. All Feedback forms need to be completed and returned to SSEN by Friday 25th October. For further information see: 

Clachaig Glen windfarm update (01/09/24)

The outcome of the Scottish Government Hearing with regard this windfarm (expected in August)  remains unknown.

RES submit planning application to construct a windfarm on Killean Estate (16/08/24)

On 15th Aug. RES submitted a section 36 planning application (ECU00004927) to construct a 9-turbine windfarm on Killean Estate, approx. 2km East of Tayinloan. Max generation capacity 60MW delivered by 180m tip-height masts. The submission follows the 2019 rejection of a previous application made at the same site. Further details can be accessed at and hard copy documentation can be accessed at Tayinloan Village Hall and at Campbeltown Library.

Movement on SSE's plan to repower/extend Tangy IV  (20/07/24)

SSE have submitted a planning application to construct a meteorological mast to gather data to support their scheduled extension/repowering of Tangy IV (due to become operational in 2029). The new plans tabled show that 4 turbines will be situated on adjacent FLS land. 

Latest donations made by Lussa Community Wind (07/06/24)

Lussa Community Wind - our multi-community benefit Society, has donated a grand total £ 256,107.42  in the first half of this year to East Kintyre Community Fund, West Kintyre Community Fund and Campbeltown  Community Windfarm Fund  - our anchor charities that are beneficiaries of community benefit funding from SPR's Beinn an Tuirc 3  windfarm.  The funds are donated through each charity to worthy projects qualifying for funding. For further information about how to access these funds, application procedures and previously funded projects see  Anchor Charities.

RWE Windfarm Planned for Carradale Forest

First public consultation exercise Carradale Village Hall Tuesday 11th June, 2024 Tayinloan Village Hall Wednesday 12th June, 2024

Additional information post event to be made available at: 

Breackerie Windfarm (ECU 00004507) - Argyll & Bute Council Objection to Section 36 planning application  (28/05/24)

A&B Council's Planning Committee (May 22nd meeting) have lodged their objection to Energie Kontor's proposal (see: Scottish Government - Energy Consents Unit - Application Details) to construct a windfarm at Breackerie (8km SW of Campbeltown), on the southern tip of Kintyre.  The Section 36 application comprised 13  turbines with tip heights of 200m, plus associated infrastructure.

Malin Sea Offshore Windfarm - public exhibition/event  (posted 26/05/24)

A public exhibition/event will be hosted by ESB (Irish State Bank) in Cambeltown Town Hall on 13th June (4 - 8 pm) to provide information/enable discussion  with regard plans to develop a floating windfarm generating 100 MW of clean energy from  32 km2 of the Malin Sea. The site is situated  in Scottish waters, 23km SE of the most Southerly point on Islay and 25 km N of Portrush, NI). The development represents a collaborative project led by ESB, and involves Dublin Offshore Technology and Belfast-based CATAGEN. For further information: and/or contact

Rowan Windfarm (formerly known as Kilberry Windfarm) (ECU 00003230) - consented (26/4/24)

Consent has been granted for EnergieKontor Ltd to progress their Section 36 proposal to build a windfarm 4.5km northwest of Tarbert (Nr. Kilberry) (see: Scottish Government - Energy Consents Unit - Application Details).  The windfarm will provide an installed capacity of 85MW and comprise 13 turbines with tip heights up to 200m, plus 5MW battery storage and associated infrastructure.   


Applications are invited from Community Groups in East & West Kintyre, Skipness and Tarbert for projects benefitting the quality of life in these areas. 

East Kintyre Windfarm Trust Fund - APPLY NOW (15/3/24)

Applications are invited from eligible parties for East Kintyre-based projects benefitting the local community. Latest call for applications OPEN. For further information, eligibility criteria and Application details: East Kintyre Windfarm Trust or contact Alasdair Bennett Tel: 01583431112 Email:

Killean Wind Farm update 15/3/24

RES are hosting a second-round public consultation event on their proposals for a new wind farm on the Killean estate, around 2km east of Tayinloan, West Kintyre.  Their revised plans are for 10 wind turbines with a tip height of 180m, generating 66MW of electricity.

A public exhibition about their proposals will be hosted at Tayinloan Village Hall PA29 6XG on Wednesday 27 March 2024 (2pm to 7pm). The RES Project Team will be available to address any/all questions/reservations that people may have.

Narachan Windfarm (ECU 00001184) REFUSED planning permission (8/3/24)

A Section 36 planning application made by EnergieKontor UK to construct a windfarm (>50 MW) comprising 11 x 180m turbines on land 1.6km East of Tayinloan, traversing the spine between East and West Kintyre,  has been refused planning permission by the Scottish Government following objections raised by WKCC, EKCC, A&B Council and NatureScot, following a lengthy battle culminating in a public inquiry convened during 2023.

RWE notice of intent to create a windfarm at Carradale 24/2/24

EKCC and EKREG had received advanced notice from RWE of their intent to create a significant windfarm in/on Carradale Forest that will ultimately consume the original Deucheran Hill windfarm. The new development is to be labelled Deucheran Hill 2. Public consultation events will be tabled by RWE’s project team later in the year, and planning permission sought in the interim for mast(s) to gather micro-meteorological data.

EKREG engage in a dialogue with the Scottish Government to make the offer of Community Shared Ownership a mandatory element of all Scottish windfarm developments moving forward  31/1/24.

 EKREG have engaged in direct discussions with elements of the Scottish Government in support of the ‘Share the Wind’ petition (PE1885/C) currently being debated by the Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee which promotes the introduction of mandatory community shared ownership in Scottish windfarms via land tax reform. 

12 January 2024

Applications welcomed for Round 4 of the East Kintyre Community Fund from 26 January 2024

Cnoc Buidhe Wind Energy Hub Public Exhibitions on 28 November 2023 (7/11/23)

Belltown Power have confirmed that they will be holding their second public exhibition for Cnoc Buidhe Wind Energy Hub on Tuesday 28 November 2023 as noted below:

Glenbarr Hall – 28 November – 08.30 - 12.30

Campbeltown Town Hall – 28 November – 14.00 - 20.00

The exhibition will give the Belltown Power team the opportunity to introduce up-to-date project evolutions to local residents and answer any questions that they may have. Updated project information is available on their website at Cnoc Buidhe Wind Energy Hub | Belltown Power | Renewable Energy The virtual exhibition is available until 19th December at . If you have any questions about the consultation, please email

 Breackerie Windfarm (ECU 00004507) - Scoping Opinion for proposed Section 36 planning application  (24/10/23)

A proposal (see: Scottish Government - Energy Consents Unit - Application Details) has been lodged by Energie Kontor to construct a windfarm at Breackerie (8km SW of Campbeltown).  This application comprises 13 giant turbines with tip heights of 200m, plus associated infrastructure.

Killean Windfarm (ECU 00004927) - Scoping Opinion for proposed Section 36 planning application (12/9/23)

A proposal (see: Scottish Government - Energy Consents Unit - Application Details) has been lodged by RES to construct a windfarm on the Killean Estate (nr. Tayinloan) - a development previously denied planning permission. The development borders that recently submitted By E Power for Coalashee.  This application proposes 12 turbines with tip heights of 180m plus ancillary battery storage and associated infrastructure (max capacity 72MW).

28 July 2023

Applications welcomed for Round 3 of the East Kintyre Community Fund

Lussa Community Wind: Another year fuelling exciting projects across the region (16/7/23)

LCW has received the second tranche of community benefit funds generated by the operation of SPR's Beinn an Tuirc 3 windfarm between April 2022 and March 2023. The sum received this year was £252,163 - initial donations of £82,388 have already been made to each of the anchor charities nominated by Campbeltown Community Council, East Kintyre Community Council and West Kintyre Community Council. The charities that will disseminate the funding received are: Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund, West Kintyre Community Fund and East Kintyre Community Fund.

Sheirdrim Windfarm (ECU 00001957) REFUSED planning permission (1/7/23)

A controversial application made by Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) in 2019 to construct a windfarm (50 MW) comprising 19 x 150m plus 3 x 135m turbines and two ground-based solar arrays, on land behind Clachan traversing the spine between East and West Kintyre,  has been refused planning permission by the Scottish Government following objections raised by WKCC, EKCC, A&B Council but especially, Historic Environment Scotland, following a lengthy fight culminating in a public inquiry convened during 2021.

Coalashee Windfarm (ECU 00004827) - Scoping Opinion for proposed Section 36 planning application  (27/6/23)

A proposal (see: Scottish Government - Energy Consents Unit - Application Details) has been lodged by E Power Ltd to construct a windfarm approximately 1.2k north east of Tayinloan.  The application proposes to use what are, in effect, repurposed offshore turbines - 19 giant turbines with tip heights of 220m plus ancillary battery storage and associated infrastructure.

Lussa Community Wind: Fuelling exciting projects across the region (27/5/23)

In its first year, LCW donated £454K to the anchor charities nominated by Campbeltown Community Council, East Kintyre Community Council and West Kintyre Community Council. The charities involved  (Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund, West Kintyre Community Fund and East Kintyre Community Fund) have already disseminated > 70% of the funds received to eligible projects. The funds received represent Community Benefit Funds associated with the operation of SPR's Beinn an Tuirc 3 Windfarm up to March 2022

Sustainability News Update 2023

Lussa Community Wind Ltd received the second tranche of Beinn an Tuirc 3 Community Benefit Funds from SPR in May last year. After deductions for administration costs, the funds have been donated equally to the three nominated Community Charities of Campbeltown, East Kintyre and West Kintyre. Along with the first tranche of funds, received in March last year, this meant that each of the charities had over £150,000 to distribute via grants for projects meeting with SPR’s terms and conditions. The provision of these funds on a yearly basis for the lifetime of the Beinn an Tuirc 3 windfarm will enable long-term planning and assist with the development of large scale projects that truly benefit the communities.

In this last year, the Community Charities dispensed (or committed to dispense) £310,000 of the £450,000 they received as donations from Lussa Community Wind Ltd to over 50 projects. Given the depth and breadth of the projects, there are too many to go through each one. However to highlight a few will give a flavour of how these funds are helping the sustainability of our Communities as viable places to live and work. Full details of the projects that the Charities supported from the BaT3 donations can be accessed via the Kintyre Wind website.

The Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund, supported the Kintyre Food Bank, provided food parcels and signposting people to specialist help with fuel costs, benefits etc. It also supported MACC in its participation in the Queen's Green Canopy scheme, planting tress, supplied by the Woodland Trust, to support biodiversity and help mitigate Climate Change.

The East Kintyre Community Fund supported the 2nd phase of the Carradale Community Shop and Post Office, helping ensure the continuation of 2 fulltime jobs and provision of a local food shop which can be accessed by those in the Community who are unable to get into Campbeltown.

The West Kintyre Community Fund supported with start-up grants two new businesses, one for the development of a charcuterie business and the other for a winery producing ancient recipe wines unique to Scotland, both of which provide new employment and skills within West Kintyre. Beinn an Tuirc 3 appears to have generated about 117GWh of electricity in the year to August 2022 whilst Beinn an Tuirc 1 & 2 generated about 186GWh of electricity in the same period. Combined this would be enough to power ~21,000 homes - far more than there are in Kintyre!

Lussa Community Wind Mutual Benefit Society AGM - 2 August 2023 

The 2023 Annual General Meeting of Lussa Community Wind Ltd (Mutual Benefit Society) is scheduled to be held August 2nd at 18.00. The meeting will held via Zoom (link to be sent all members in advance by email). All members and representatives of Anchor Charities are cordially invited to attend this meeting. There are constitutional requirements to be met and an important vote required (one member one vote). If you are unable to participate then please alert the Chair aka nomination of your voting proxy.

EKREG expand their representation (8/5/23)

EKREG have recently signed an MoU with West Kintyre CC to represent them in all Community Benefit Fund (CBF) negotiations with developers of wind farms from hereon. This means that EKREG are now tasked with representing WKCC as well as EKCC in all CBF negotiations, and CCs across Kintyre in Community Shared Ownership negotiations. 

Minister to be asked "If Not Why Not" in regards Mandatory CSO (8/2/23) 

The Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee of the Scottish Parliament met on 8 February to consider the continued petition: PE1885: Make offering Community Shared Ownership mandatory for all windfarm development planning proposals.  The committee had followed up with Michael Matheson, Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport on a number of points raised from the previous session, however as the responses did not answer their previous questions the Committee will now go back again to the Minister and ask that the questions are answered including “IF NOT, WHY NOT?” The full live discussion can be viewed at the link below.

East Kintyre Community Fund Application Process Opens (27/1/23)

The East Kintyre Community Fund Application Process is now open. Full details of the fund, the application process & criteria can be found on the East Kintyre Community Fund page. For further information please contact the secretary at Closing Date: 10 March 2023.

Petition on Increasing Ability of Communities to influence planning for onshore windfarms heard at Scottish Parliament (18/01/23)

A petition currently going through the Scottish Parliament Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Process to empower communities on planning legislation of onshore windfarms had a hearing on 18 January which you can watch via the link at

The petition (PE1864) is to Increase the ability of communities to influence planning decisions for onshore windfarms and calls on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to increase the ability of communities to influence planning decisions for onshore windfarms by—

  • adopting English planning legislation for the determination of onshore wind farm developments;

  • empowering local authorities to ensure local communities are given sufficient professional help to engage in the planning process; and

  • appointing an independent advocate to ensure that local participants are not bullied and intimidated during public inquiries.

National Planning Framework 4: revised draft (2/12/22)

Scottish Government Revised Draft National Planning Framework 4 published on 8 November 2022 is the national spatial strategy for Scotland. It sets out Scottish Government's spatial principles, regional priorities, national developments and national planning policy.

EKREG Press Release on Presentation to Kintyre Community Councils - November 2022 (1/12/22) 

EKREG, a volunteer group who represents all Kintyre Community Councils in Community Shared Ownership negotiations with Windfarm developers, recently convened a constructive meeting with representatives from the Community Councils. The EKREG presentation updated the communities on the current status of windfarm developments in Kintyre; provided clarification on wins to date for Kintyre communities; and the ongoing work with a number of developers to secure Community Shared Ownership in approved Windfarms for the benefit of Kintyre residents.

The landscape is changing fast driven by the Scottish Government pushing for more renewables, developers keen to build, and Scottish and Southern Energy Network (SSEN) providing the needed infrastructure to connect all new Kintyre developments into the national grid. There can be no doubt that upland Kintyre windspeeds provide a rare opportunity to optimise renewable energy generation via wind turbines without offshore expense. Kintyre is therefore currently a very attractive proposition to Windfarm developers due to the high financial returns that can be returned to the developers in the present renewables climate. Hence the recent upsurge in scoping for new Windfarms which are or will be going through the planning process in the next few years.

EKREG reported on several wins to date, not least ensuring developers are held to account on providing Community Benefit Funds (CBF) for the lifetime of approved Windfarm developments. Community Benefit Funds provide welcome funds to our communities and we are already beginning to see significant benefit across Kintyre to local groups, community enterprise companies and charities.

However, the main thrust of EKREG’s activities relate to negotiating Community Shared Ownership (CSO) since this offers the opportunity for communities to share in the net profit created by the developers of windfarms and should return as much, if not considerably more than CBFs to local communities.

EKREG reported they are currently negotiating with several developers to achieve genuine CSO for the Kintyre communities (following the Scottish Government Good Practice Guidelines) with as much as a 49.5% stake on the table for negotiation in some developments. EKREG also highlighted their positive early-stage discussions with key investors to be able to raise the capital required to realise the communities’ CSO opportunities at no risk to the community councils whatsoever.

In the background, EKREG has also been working to provide communities with templates to assist communities to establish their Charity Funding vehicles with some already in action e.g. East Kintyre Community Fund, West Kintyre Community Fund and Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund. It is an exciting time for communities to realise what can be achieved by being part of the renewable future rather than as a bystander!

The Community Councillors in attendance expressed their deep appreciation of the work undertaken by EKREG and are excited by future CSO possibilities.

The Community Councillors have been asked by EKREG to start planning ahead for the future so their communities are in a position to move forward once funding flows through.

EKREG have set up an operational platform as well as a Kintyre Wind Facebook page to communicate all information and ensure transparency. Updates relating to CSO and CBFs are posted on the website and the site also provides links and details as to how funds are being disbursed to communities.

Scottish Government Onshore Windfarm Policy Statement Refresh (30/11/22)

A useful link. The schedule of responses from Scottish Government Onshore Windfarm Policy Statement Refresh , including those from some of the Kintyre developers, can be found on the following link:

Funds Boost from East Kintyre Community Council Windfarm Trust for Local Groups (30/11/22)

Funds Boost for Campbeltown Local Groups and Community Enterprise Companies (29/11/22)

A number of local groups and community enterprise companies received a boost to their funds recently, when Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund (CCWF), the charitable organisation setup by Campbeltown Community Council, disbursed funds received as Community Benefit from Scottish Power renewables (SPR) and their Beinn an Tuirc 3 Windfarm.

The following awards were made;

  • Campbeltown Picture House – £4,250

  • Kintyre Group Women’s Institute – £2,000

  • Campbeltown Running Club – £2,000

  • MACC – £1,000

  • Kintyre Recycling Limited – £4,000

  • Dalintober Primary School PTA - £1,500

  • Dalintober Primary School PTA (Swimming lessons) - £2,000

  • Campbeltown Former Pupils AFC – £5,000

  • Kintyre Seasports - £3,000

  • Dunaverty Golf Club Junior Section – £800

  • Campbeltown Community Council towards cost of restoring pathway between Trench Point and Slatyfarlan – £5,000

  • Kintyre Songwriters Festival – £500

  • Kintyre Food Bank – £5,000

  • Senior Citizens Monday Club – £2,000

  • Friends of Castlehill - £3,104

  • Mull of Kintyre Music + Arts Association – £4,725

  • Kintyre Fish Protection & Angling Club – pay £2,000

  • Mairi Semple Cancer Fund – £5,000

Total amount of payments awarded- £52,879. CCWF wish all these groups success with their various projects and advise that a further disbursement of funds will take place in June 2023. This will be advertised on our website, , on Facebook and in the Campbeltown Courier nearer the time.Further information on how the Community Council is working together with EKREG to maximise benefits from the windfarms can be found at https://kintyrewind.comRegistered Charity Number SC050831

West Torrisdale Windfarm - Scoping Application (17/11/22)

Further information for West Torrisdale Windfarm has been submitted to the Scottish Government Consents Unit today. The proposed development comprises 9-12 turbines up to 149.9 m to blade tip at a site directly to the east of the operational Beinn and Tuirc wind farms, near Torrisdale on the Kintyre peninsula. If consented, the proposed development will be built under the Section 36 consent and its associated conditions. Application details  

EKREG Update Meeting with Kintyre Community Councils on 24 November (15/11/22)

EKREG are meeting up with representatives from the 8 partnership Kintyre Community Councils on 24 November 2022 to brief on the current situation regarding community shared ownership in windfarms.

Cnoc Buidhe Wind Energy Hub Virtual Exhibition (15/11/22)

Have your say folks..."As part of this consultation process, we are excited to share the latest project information for the Cnoc Buidhe Wind Energy Hub. This first exhibition will run from 15 November (see the Virtual Exhibition ) and we look forward to engaging with any questions and feedback you may have about the project. We ask that you please return your Feedback form by 19 December, either online, via the Freepost envelope received with the invitation through the post, or at one of our in-person public exhibitions. You are also welcome to ask any questions, provide feedback or request a call back by emailing the team at cnocbuidhe@belltownpower.comOnline feedback form here:

Public Exhibitions

We would like to invite you to join us in-person and meet the team at eitherGlenbarr Village Hall, close to Glenbarr Stores, 22 November, 1-7pmCampbeltown Town Hall, 23 November, 9-12 noon Come join us at one of these events and see how your community can contribute to tackling climate change in a significant way through hosting and part-owning a modern wind energy hub. Get in touch"

Glossary (8/11/22)

To assist with terms used in this website we have recently added a Glossary (available in Links page).

Cnoc Buidhe Wind Energy Hub Public Exhibitions on 22/23 November 2022 (31/10/22)

Belltown Power have confirmed that they will be holding their first public exhibitions for Cnoc Buidhe Wind Energy Hub on Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23 November 2022 as noted below:
Glenbarr Hall – 22 November – 1300 - 1900
Campbeltown Town Hall – 23 November – 0900 - 1200
The exhibition will give the Belltown Power team the opportunity to introduce the project to local residents and answer any questions that they may have. Updated project information will be available on their website from 14 November 2022 and can be found at Cnoc Buidhe Wind Energy Hub | Belltown Power | Renewable Energy The website will also offer people an opportunity to view the exhibition panels online, in case you are unable to attend the exhibition in person and an online Feedback Form will seek to gather views. If you have any questions about the consultation, please email

Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund Grant Applications Open (23/9/22)

Applications are invited for grant funding from the Autumn disbursement of the Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund.Grants for capital or revenue funding may be available to charities, community groups and halls within the Campbeltown, Laggan & Southend Community Council areas. Advice, criteria and application forms are available at Or alternatively contact Valerie Nimmo Closing Date for applicationsFriday 21st October 2022

East Kintyre Community Council Windfarm Trust Funding Applications - Open 23 September (23/9/22)

Applications are now invited for grant funding from the Autumn disbursement of the above Trust. For full details check out EKWFT page. Closing date: 20 October 2022

Sheirdrim Wind Farm Connection Project Public Consultations (16/9/22)

SSEN Transmission invites you to come and share your views with us at our upcoming public consultation events. For further information about the project and the planning application, access to the virtual consultation room and the feedback form can be found on the project webpage or join us online, via the project webpage, to chat with the project team using live Instant Message chat at the following times Thursday 6 October 2022 from 5pm to 7pm. We kindly request that feedback forms are submitted by Thursday 13th October 202

  • Tuesday 27th September 2022 from 2pm-7pm at Skipness Village hall, PA29 6XT

  • Wednesday 28th September 2022 from 2pm-7pm at Whitehouse Village Hall, Tarbert PA29 6XR

Cour Community Fund - now open to applications (15/9/22)

The Cour Windfarm Community Benefit Fund has been established to support community groups, social enterprises & charitable organisations in the community councils of areas of Tarbert & Skipness, West & East Kintyre. The fund wishes to support projects and infrastructure which promote the economic social and/or environmental sustainability of the catchment area. The fund is now open until the 28th of October 2022 for applications. Further fund criteria and information can be found on the Cour Community Fund page.

Petition under consideration with Scottish Government - PE1885/C: Make offering Community Shared Ownership mandatory for all windfarm development planning proposals (6/9/22)

Petition summary: Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to make Community Shared Ownership a mandatory requirement to be offered as part of all planning proposals for windfarm development. Petitioner: Karen Murphy

Full Petition

This petition is still with the Scottish Government Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee Consideration under consideration. Response By Scottish Government to date. (click the + expand button on page to see full documentation)

The Kintyre Wind Farm Gold Rush (3/9/22)

Read BBC Scotland's report on the Kintyre wind farm 'gold rush' (including input from EKREG chairman Alasdair Bennett) at

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (Clachaig Glen CSO) Monthly Report (31/8/22)

  • Initial meeting with RWE, Abundance & FLS to discuss windfarm timelines and table Communities desires.

  • Agree to progress NDA with RWE

  • NDA received and discussed

  • Secured CARES Grant for legal advise on NDA

  • Engage Legal advisor.

Lussa Community Wind Ltd AGM Minutes (22/8/22)

The Lussa Community Wind Ltd AGM Minutes are now available online. The Chairman presented a brief summary of the Society’s activity and achievements over the past year. The highlight of which was the receipt of first year Community Benefit Fund funds resulting from Benn an Tuirc 3: £224,775 that was split equally and 100% donated to each of the three anchor charities (East Kintyre Community Fund, West Kintyre Community Fund and Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund) such that each received £74,925 for their dissemination to worthy local projects meeting with SPR guidelines.

Local Energy Scotland- Enablement Grant (Clachaig Glen CSO) Success (30/07/22)

EKREG Ltd are pleased to announce they have been successful in their application for a Scottish Government Community & Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) Enablement grant of £750 to progress discussions on CSO with RWE for Clachaig Glen windfarm. This funding will be used towards the costs of investigating and assessing the project with a view to investing in the Shared Ownership Offering that RWE is making with respect to its Clachaig Glen Wind Farm Development. The development sits within West Kintyre and immediately adjacent to East Kintyre and EKREG Ltd are working on behalf of the affected communities: East Kintyre, West Kintyre, Gigha, South Knapdale, Tarbert & Skipness, and Campbeltown.

Lussa Community Wind Receive Year 2 Community Benefit Funds (11/6/22)

Breackerie Windfarm - Scoping Opinion Request (6/6/22)

Energiekontor UK Limited have submitted a request for a scoping opinion from the Scottish Ministers for the proposed section 36 application for the Breackerie Wind Farm proposal. The proposed Development is located 8km southwest of Campbeltown, located in the planning authority area of Argyll and Bute Council, in line with regulation 12 of The Electricity Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017.  Under regulation 12, Scottish Ministers are required to provide a scoping opinion outlining the information they consider should be included in the EIA report. Ministers are also required to consult the relevant consultation bodies and any other interested party which is likely to have an interest in the proposed development by reason of its specific environmental responsibilities or local and regional competencies.

The scoping report can be viewed at the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit website by:

- clicking on Search tab; then,

- clicking on Simple Search tab; then,

- typing Breackerie into the Search by Project Name box then clicking on Go; then,

- clicking on ECU00004507 and then clicking on the Documents tab.

To allow Scottish Ministers to provide a comprehensive scoping opinion, we ask that you review the scoping report and advise on the scope of the environmental impact assessment for this proposal. Please advise if there are any further matters you would like Ministers to highlight for consideration and inclusion in the assessment, particularly site specific information.

Comments by 28 June 2022. Please send your response (in PDF format if possible) to

Notification of Second Windfarm South of Campbeltown(31/5/22)

Breackerie Wind Farm Scoping. EKREG and local Community Councils have been made aware that Energiekontor UK Ltd are going to soon be seeking an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Opinion from the Scottish Ministers in respect of a proposed wind farm development around 8km south-west of Campbeltown and 5-7km south of Machrihanish and Drumlemble. Early initial opinion is for up to 21 turbines at a height of between 200 and 230m and working towards a full application by the end of 2022.

Campbeltown Community Windfarm AGM on 7 June (25/5/22)

Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund (CCWFi) Annual General Meeting Tuesday 7th June in Town Hall, Campbeltown at 7.30pm

Plans for First Windfarm South of Campbeltown - Campbeltown Courier (20/5/22)
West Kintyre Community Fund - Applications Now Invited (9/5/22)

The West Kintyre Community Fund is now open for funding assistance applications for the following three areas: Bursarys, Start-Ups and Projects. For application forms go  or visit  or email

Closing Date for applications 23 June 2022.


A request for a scoping opinion has been submitted to the Scottish Ministers by ITPEnergised Limited on behalf of SSE Generation Ltd in respect of the High Dalrioch Wind Farm proposal located approximately 1.5 kilometres south-west of Campbeltown. The request is for 10 turbines to a mx of 180m. The various documentation and the scoping report can be viewed on the ECU website by: - going to clicking on the Search tab; then,- clicking on the Simple Search tab; then,- typing High Dalrioch into the Search by Project Name box and then clicking on Go; then,- clicking on ECU00003474 and then clicking on the Documents tab. Comments to be reported back by 10 June 2022. Please send your response directly to

Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund - Applications Now Invited (4/5/22)

Applications are invited for grant funding from the Spring disbursement of the Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund. Grants for capital or revenue funding may be available to charities, community groups and halls within the Campbeltown, Laggan & Southend Community Council areas. Advice, criteria and application forms are available at Or alternatively contact Valerie Nimmo

Closing Date for applicationsFriday 27th May 2022

Public Consultation - Auchnasavil Battery Storage Proposals (21/4/22)

There is a public consultation in the Carradale village hall today, Thursday 21 April from 1500 till 1900 hrs - please go along and have a look. The development would consist of 52 large containers containing batteries and associated equipment, an access track, electricity, meter building and fencing. If you are unable to attend the details and feedback form can be seen via the link: Auchnasavil Battery Storage

Kintyre Community Councils state case for mandatory CSO - Campbeltown Courier (15/4/22)

Kintyre's Windfarm Windfall - Campbeltown Courier (8/4/22)

Campbeltown Courier leads with Kintyre's Windfarm Windfall - read more 

Kintyre Communities to receive Community Benefits from the new Beinn an Tuirc 3 Windfarm (7/4/22)

An annual Community Benefit Funding package of £225,000 has been secured for local communities from the recently commissioned Beinn an Tuirc 3 (BaT3) Windfarm. Following many months of negotiations by EKREG (a local volunteer group working on behalf of Kintyre Communities) an agreement has been reached with Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) that ensures the Community Benefit Funds will be paid for the lifetime of the windfarm, rather than the initial 10 years as originally tabled. As a consequence, local communities will receive around £3.4 million more than was originally proposed, the final total amounting to ~ £5.6 million over the coming 25 years. These funds will be equally distributed to the impacted communities of Campbeltown, East Kintyre and West Kintyre, to enable local communities to plan long-term and develop large scale projects that truly benefit the communities in our area.

A Community Benefit Society - Lussa Community Wind Limited (LCWL) - with representation from all 3 communities on its Board, will manage all funds flowing from BaT3 to the Anchor community charities: Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund, East Kintyre Community Fund and West Kintyre Community Fund. The charities are all Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisations (SCIO) and will follow a strict set of guidelines when allocating funds for projects to further community development, education and regeneration.

The Community Councils associated with this development have all recently been developing their Community Action Plans to assist the Anchor Charities in delivering legacy projects and priorities identified by the local communities. The application processes for applying for these funds will soon be announced via the Campbeltown Courier and

EKREG have been working for 2 years with Local Energy Scotland (LES) with support from professional financial and legal advisors provided for by a LES-CARES grant. Alasdair Bennett (Chair of EKREG) said “We are very grateful for the support from LES and pleased to have been able to help secure this important funding for our communities.”

Speaking on behalf of the communities, Valerie Nimmo, the Convenor of Campbeltown Community Council, said “We are very grateful to EKREG for all the work they have done in securing a lifetime community benefit agreement with SPR in relation to the Beinn an Tuirc 3 Windfarm. The funds are much appreciated and will greatly help us deliver many community projects over the next 25 years.”

Since its establishment in 2019, EKREG has been in contact with 10 companies regarding 18 windfarm developments in Kintyre and South Knapdale with a view to exploring opportunities for shared ownership. With the current energy crisis and tight net zero targets, the growth of windfarms in Kintyre is likely to accelerate in the coming years. While each new windfarm will create employment during the construction phase, there will also be an increased visual impact on our landscape. For every consented windfarm, EKREG will explore opportunities to maximise the financial benefits for impacted Kintyre communities via CSO and community benefit payments.

Further information about the activities of EKREG; Lussa Community Wind Limited; and the Anchor Charities (Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund, East Kintyre Community Fund and West Kintyre Community Fund) can be found on the Kintyre Wind website

Kintyre Communities to receive Community Benefits from the new Beinn an Tuirc 3 Windfarm (7/4/22)

An annual Community Benefit Funding package of £225,000 has been secured for local communities from the recently commissioned Beinn an Tuirc 3 (BaT3) Windfarm. Following many months of negotiations by EKREG (a local volunteer group working on behalf of Kintyre Communities) an agreement has been reached with Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) that ensures the Community Benefit Funds will be paid for the lifetime of the windfarm, rather than the initial 10 years as originally tabled. As a consequence, local communities will receive around £3.4 million more than was originally proposed, the final total amounting to ~ £5.6 million over the coming 25 years. These funds will be equally distributed to the impacted communities of Campbeltown, East Kintyre and West Kintyre, to enable local communities to plan long-term and develop large scale projects that truly benefit the communities in our area.

A Community Benefit Society - Lussa Community Wind Limited (LCWL) - with representation from all 3 communities on its Board, will manage all funds flowing from BaT3 to the Anchor community charities: Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund, East Kintyre Community Fund and West Kintyre Community Fund. The charities are all Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisations (SCIO) and will follow a strict set of guidelines when allocating funds for projects to further community development, education and regeneration.

The Community Councils associated with this development have all recently been developing their Community Action Plans to assist the Anchor Charities in delivering legacy projects and priorities identified by the local communities. The application processes for applying for these funds will soon be announced via the Campbeltown Courier and

EKREG have been working for 2 years with Local Energy Scotland (LES) with support from professional financial and legal advisors provided for by a LES-CARES grant. Alasdair Bennett (Chair of EKREG) said “We are very grateful for the support from LES and pleased to have been able to help secure this important funding for our communities.”

Speaking on behalf of the communities, Valerie Nimmo, the Convenor of Campbeltown Community Council, said “We are very grateful to EKREG for all the work they have done in securing a lifetime community benefit agreement with SPR in relation to the Beinn an Tuirc 3 Windfarm. The funds are much appreciated and will greatly help us deliver many community projects over the next 25 years.”

Since its establishment in 2019, EKREG has been in contact with 10 companies regarding 18 windfarm developments in Kintyre and South Knapdale with a view to exploring opportunities for shared ownership. With the current energy crisis and tight net zero targets, the growth of windfarms in Kintyre is likely to accelerate in the coming years. While each new windfarm will create employment during the construction phase, there will also be an increased visual impact on our landscape. For every consented windfarm, EKREG will explore opportunities to maximise the financial benefits for impacted Kintyre communities via CSO and community benefit payments.

Further information about the activities of EKREG; Lussa Community Wind Limited; and the Anchor Charities (Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund, East Kintyre Community Fund and West Kintyre Community Fund) can be found on the Kintyre Wind website . Kintyre Wind is a collaborative project between EKREG and the Kintyre Community Councils aimed at maximising the financial return to the Kintyre communities from consented local windfarm developments.

Kintyre Wind website is launched! (6/4/22)

The Kintyre Wind website will, from today, house all information and news relating to windfarm developments across the region. Kintyre Wind embraces a growing number of not-for-profit community-led vehicles established by EKREG Ltd to lead on community shared ownership (CSO) opportunities and disseminate funds generated via CSO and benefit funding to communities impacted by individual developments. The aim being to establish an active umbrella of interaction vehicles that will channel every penny of income netted on a pari pasu basis into a series of nominated community charities established to fuel significant legacy projects and priorities identified in Local Action Plans to aid community development, resilience, education and regeneration.

Lussa Community Wind Limited (31/3/22)

Lussa Community Wind Limited donated 100% of the first tranche of funds from Beinn An Tuirc 3 Community Windfarm to the Society’s three anchor charities Each charity (West Kintyre community Fund, East Kintyre Community Fund and Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund) received £74,925 each.

High Constellation - Scoping Opinion Request (22/03/22)

A request for a Scoping Opinion has been submitted to the Scottish Ministers by Arcus Consultancy Services on behalf of High Constellation Wind Farm Limited in respect of the High Constellation Wind Farm proposal (“the proposed Development”) located approximately 4km southeast of Clachan, in the local authority area of Argyll and Bute Council. There is an extant consent on the site for 10 turbines (149.9 m to tip), electricity storage facility and associated infrastructure. Section 36 consent and deemed planning permission for the scheme was granted on 26th June 2020. The Applicant is proposing to submit an application to the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit (ECU) under Section 36/Section 36C of the Electricity Act 1989 to construct and operate a re-designed wind farm with turbine tip heights of up to 180m (and associated infrastructure).

Arcus Consultancy Services have submitted a scoping report and other supporting documentation which you can view online at ECU Reference ECU00003448. Comments to be made by 12th April 2022. Please send your response (in PDF format if possible) to

Clachaig Glen - Scottish Government's consultation request (17/3/22)

RWE Renewables UK Onshore Wind Ltd (RWE) have submitted an application for Clachaig Glen Wind Farm to the ScottishGovernment. RWE (formally E.ON Climate & Renewables) received consent from the Scottish Government in December 2019 for the 14-turbine Clachaig Glen Wind Farm, and since then RWE has been reviewing its options for the site and is applying for a proposed wind farm and battery storage site comprising up to 12 wind turbines (seven with maximum height of 185 metres and five with a maximum height of 200 metres). A copy of the application, with a plan showing the land to which it relates, together with a copy of the EIA Report discussing the Company’s proposals in more detail and presenting an analysis of the environmental implications, is available for public inspection, free of charge via the project website or on the Scottish Government Energy Consents website at under application reference ECU00002103.Please send any representations directly to the Scottish Government and should be received no later than 25th April 2022, although Ministers may still consider representation received after this time.

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (28/2/22)

The Community Benefit Funding agreement for Beinn an Tuirc 3 Windfarm was finalised and signed with Scottish Power Renewables.

Rowan Windfarm (Formerly Kilberry) - Scottish Government's consultation request (3/3/22)

Energiekontor UK Ltd (‘the Applicant’) submitted an application under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 (‘the Act’) for the Scottish Ministers’ consent to construct and operate Rowan Windfarm, approx 4.5 km north west of Tarbert. The proposed generating station has an overall installed capacity of 90.8 MW. Comprising 13 wind turbines with a ground to blade tip height of 200 m with a generating capacity of around 85.8 MW, and around 5 MW of battery energy storage. Details of the application can be found on etc Energy Consents website at: The non-technical summary is available on the application website All representation should be received no later than Monday, 4th April 2022.

Earraghail Renewable Energy Development - Scottish Government's consultation request (21/2/22)

On 21 February 2022, RSK Consulting on behalf of ScottishPower Renewables (UK) Limited (SPR) (‘the Applicant’) submitted an application under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 (‘the Act’) for the Scottish Ministers’ consent to construct and operate Earraghail Renewable Energy Development, located between the villages of Tarbert to the north east and Skipness to the south, in Argyll & Bute. The proposed development will operate for a 40 year period and consist of 13 turbines at 180 metres and associated infrastructure (generating around 78MW), ground mounted solar photovoltaic array (5 MW) and battery storage (25MW). In accordance with the Electricity Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (‘the EIA regulations’) and regulations made under Schedule 8(1) to the Act, a notice detailing the application will be published in the local and national press (Edinburgh Gazette and Scotsman on 25 February 2022, and Argyllshire Advertiser/Campbeltown Courier on 25 February and 4 March 2022). A copy of the notice, maps and application documents will also be available to view from 25 February 2022 on the Applicant’s project website at: Earraghail Renewable Energy Development - ScottishPower Renewables The Applicant’s EIA report will be taken into consideration in determining the application. In accordance with the EIA Regulations a consultation in respect of the application must be carried out and you can review the EIA Report and associated documents online from our website which can be found at the following link: – search – simple search – Earraghail Renewable Energy Development (ECU Reference ECU00003421). Details of the wind turbine co-ordinates, hub height and rotor can be found at: Chapter 3 Proposed development Table 3.2 ’Wind Turbines’ and Volume 3 a Figure 3.3    

The closing date for any representation you may wish to make in this case is 3 April 2022. If we have not received your comments by this date, we will assume you have no comments to make. You can submit your response by e-mail direct to

Tangy Windfarm Extension (12/1/21)

SSE Renewables are seeking permission to extend the operational period of Tangy Wind Farm by 6 years to coincide with the planned end of the construction phase of Tangy IV. The existing 22 turbine Wind Farm compromises two developments – Tangy I (15 turbines) and Tangy II (7 turbines). A Section 42 Planning Application including Environmental Impact Assessment has been duly submitted to Argyll and Bute Council requesting a 6-year extension to the operational period of the existing Tangy Wind Farm. If planning consent is granted the operational wind farm will continue to generate up to 2027. Documents are also accessible on the SSE Renewables website: The application is available to view via the Argyll and Bute Council Planning Portal by searching the following:

  • Tangy I Wind Farm, Kilchenzie Argyll And Bute Ref. No: 21/02556/PP

  • Tangy II Wind Farm, Kilchenzie Argyll And Bute Ref. No: 21/02555/PP

West Torrisdale Windfarm Details (06/12/21)

A presentation will be given by ESB Asset Development (UK) Ltd in Carradale Village Hall on 10/11 December. For more details check out ESB Energy Website

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (30/11/21)

Approval for CARES grant change and subsequent engaging of Legal advisor to assist Communities in negotiating a CBF contract with SPR that meets Scot. Government. Guidelines.

Public Consultation - Auchnasavil Battery Storage Proposals (1/11/21)

There is a public consultation in the Carradale village hall on Thursday 4 November from 1500 till 1900 hrs please come along and have a look please or following the link: Auchnasavil Battery Storage

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (31/10/21)

Preparations for the SPR-CBF negotiations

Scottish Government Consultation on its Onshore Wind Policy Statement (28/10/21)

The Scottish Government has published a Consultation on its Onshore Wind Policy Statement and its ambition to more than double Scotland’s onshore wind capacity by 2030. The draft Onshore Wind Policy Statement is available on the Scottish Government website and the consultation runs until 21 January 2022. Communities and businesses are encouraged to feed back there comments.

Narachan Windfarm Application (22/10/21)

Energiekontor UK Ltd have recently submitted Further Environmental Information (FEI) to the Energy Consents Unitof the Scottish Government in respect of our Narachan Wind Farm project, inland of Tayinloan in Argyll and Bute. The amendments formally reduce the scheme from 17 turbines to 11 turbines, whilst retaining a 180m tip height, introducing a revised and reduced aviation lighting scheme, a new Habitat Management Area, new information on peat, and revised and amended assessment with regards to these changes (including the submission of a comprehensive Landscape and Visual assessment). In line with FEI usual practice, we have updated those parts of the original 2019 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) which had potential to be amended, and the FEI should be read alongside the EIA to understand which parts have been superseded. The amendments are a direct response to comments and objections to the December 2019/January 2020 submission. The consultation period will end on 21st November 2021 unless otherwise agreed with the ECU. The full case is available on the Energy Consents Website under application reference ECU00001884 – pages 15 to 26 represent the FEI submission. Energiekontor UK Ltd have also uploaded some brief explanatory slides to our project website at

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (30/09/21)

  • Received QMPF review report on the SPR termsheet

  • Meeting with 3 impacted Community Councils to discuss BaT3 termsheet & negotiations.

  • Wrote a briefing document for Scottish Government on how changes to the tax laws on land in Scotland could be used to mandate CSO, ensuring a level playing field for all.

East Kintyre Community Fund (EKCF) (25/08/21)

EKCF is a charity registered with OSCR (SC050650) in 2021 with the purpose of distributing community funds from windfarms and other sources to community groups and organisations in East Kintyre. Further details of the charity’s purposes and objectives, as well as the criteria that projects will require to meet, can be found by following the links on the EKCF page. The current EKCF trustees are the 3 East Kintyre Community Council office bearers plus Rob Lee (Chair), Russ Baum (Secretary) and Alasdair Bennett (Treasurer) . It is intended that all future Community Benefits from windfarms and other sources will be channelled into this fund along with revenues generated by Community Shared Ownership in renewable developments that impact on East Kintyre. The fund is not to be confused with the East Kintyre Windfarm Trust, which sits under the auspices of the Argyll and Bute Windfarm & Renewable Trust and distributes funds from existing windfarms. NOTE - When the fund opens the public will be notified and an application form, along with guidance and criteria, will appear on these pages.

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (31/07/21)

  • Further engagement with SPR over the termsheet.

  • Engagement with the 3 Community Councils to give update on the termsheet

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (30/06/21

Application for extra marketing funds from the Cour Windfarm Community Benefit Funds, for the Lussa share offer was made and was successful. Tender for the video production (to be paid for by the extra funds secured from Cour) were run and a decision made and communicated.

SPR - COP26 Community Benefit Challenge (21/06/21)

As a principal partner for the COP26 climate summit being held in Glasgow this November, SPR are inviting community groups eligible to apply to ScottishPower Renewables’ community benefit funds across the UK to bring forward Net Zero initiatives for the chance to access additional funding through our COP26 Community Benefit Challenge.

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (31/05/21

Engagement with SPR on NDA – NDA agreed for Lussa Community Wind Ltd (the Community Investment Vehicle). Awaiting signed copies of NDA back from SPR and release of the Termsheet.

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (30/04/21)

  • Engagement with SPR on NDA – by month end, NDA agreed for SPR-EKREG

  • Further preparation work for Ben Com Share offering – collecting quotes and timelines for producing a marketing video, pulling together and submitting a grant application for the video costs & further preparation of the website and pages.

Kintyre Communities Fight Back Against Unfair Windfarm Developments (29/04/21)

“Enough is Enough” - The six Community Councils of the Kintyre Peninsula and the neighbouring South Knapdale Community Council are saying “Enough is Enough” in the face of increasing numbers of complex planning applications from windfarm developers proposing to scar Kintyre’s wild and beautiful landscapes with clusters of gigantic 230 metre (750ft) wind turbines, with little regard for the people who live and work here. Full Press Release details. You can view: Question to the Scottish Government on the Effect of Windfarms on the Kintyre Peninsula

Kilberry Wind Farm Scoping Opinion Request (8/04/21)

EnergieKontor UK Ltd have sent in a request for a Scoping Opinion from the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit (ECU) ECU00003230 for the proposed Kilberry Wind Farm. A copy of the Kilberry Wind Farm Scoping Report is uploaded to the ECU portal Ref: ECU00003230. The proposed development comprises 19 turbines at a height of between 200 and 230m and is situated between Kilberry and Tarbert.

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (31/03/21)

  • Further engagement with SPR on NDA.

  • Further preparation work for Ben Com Share offering – collecting indicative costs and timelines, putting together the broad framework of a marketing campaign & preparing the website and pages.

  • Approval from FCA on the BaT3 community benefit society – Registered with the FCA as Lussa Community Wind Limited, reg. No 8576.

  • OSCR approval given for the 2 remaining anchor charities for Lussa CW Ltd – Campbeltown Community Windfarm Trust and West Kintyre Community Fund

EKREG Ltd have signed a MoU with South Knapdale Community Council (23/03/21)

Agreement is now in place for EKREG Ltd to take the lead and explore community shared ownership (CSO) opportunities in new/repowered local wind farm developments on behalf of South Knapdale Community Council(SKCC).

Lussa Community Wind Ltd Pioneer Member Share Offer (22/03/21)

Lussa Community Wind Ltd is offering Pioneer Membership to its supporters for its start-up. The purpose of this Share Offer is to establish a set of founding members for the society.

Lussa CommunityWind Ltd Registered with FCA (16/03/21)

Lussa Community Wind Limited has today been registered by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 as a Community Benefit Society.

Kilberry Wind Farm Scoping Opinion Request (3/03/21)

EnergieKontor UK Ltd have sent in a request for a Scoping Opinion from the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit (ECU) for the proposed Kilberry Wind Farm. The proposed development comprises 19 turbines at a height of between 200 and 230m and is situated between Kilberry and Tarbert.

Kintyre Wind Launched (01/03/21)

Kintyre Wind has been launched as the collaborative project of Kintyre Community Councils working together with EKREG Ltd to facilitate and deliver Community Shared Ownership (CSO) to the Kintyre communities.

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (28/02/21)

  • Engagement with SPR – call with SPR & Abundance regards NDA and Termsheet. SPR agreed to arrange a meeting with their legal.

  • Preparation work for Ben Com Share offering.

  • Approval from LES to incorporate the Beinn an Tuirc 3 Community Benefit Society – done, awaiting decision from FCA.

Arnicle Wind Farm Scoping Opinion Request (25/02/21)

EnergieKontor UK Ltd have sent in a request for a Scoping Opinion from the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit (ECU) for the proposed Arnicle Wind Farm. A copy of the Arnicle Wind Farm Scoping Report is uploaded to the ECU portal (ref:ECU0000323). The proposed development comprises 12 turbines at a height of between 200 and 230m. The site for the proposed development is in the middle of the peninsula halfway between Glenbarr and Carradale.

Cnoc Breacam Wind Farm Scoping Opinion Request (22/02/21)

Muirden Energy LLP on behalf of Cnoc Breacam Renewables LLP have sent in a request for a Scoping Opinion from the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit (ECU) for the proposed Cnoc Breacam Wind Farm. A copy of the Cnoc Breacam Wind Farm Scoping Report has been uploaded to the ECU portal (case reference: ECU00002208). The proposed development comprises 18 turbines up to 149.9 m to blade tip. The site for the proposed development is situated over 4km to the southeast of the village of Clachan, 13km north of Carradale and 15km south of Tarbert.

West Torrisdale Wind Farm Scoping Opinion Request (12/02/21)

Ramboll UK Ltd on behalf of ESB Asset Development (UK) Ltd (‘the Applicant’) have sent in a request for a Scoping Opinion from the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit (ECU) for the proposed West Torrisdale Wind Farm. A copy of the West Torrisdale Wind Farm Scoping Report has been uploaded to the ECU portal (case reference: ECU00002224).

The proposed development comprises 12 turbines up to 149.9 m to blade tip at a site directly to the east of the operational Beinn and Tuirc wind farms, near Torrisdale on the Kintyre peninsula in the Argyll and Bute Council area. If consented, the proposed development will be built under the Section 36 consent and its associated conditions.

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (31/01/21)

  • Engagement with SPR regards NDA and Termsheet. Holding pattern maintained by SPR. No change in their position that ‘timing for community investment won’t be an issue’.

  • Engagement with Community Shares Scotland on process and details for a possible BenCom share under their auspices. Further engagement with Ethex over process of using the website to raise capital.

  • Engagement with Tarbert & Skipness Community Trust (T&SCC’s delegated vehicle for all aspects of CSO & CBF). MoU signed with T&SCT for EKREG to act on T&S behalf in CSO matters. This means that EKREG now has a ‘fullhouse’ of Kintyre CC’s onboard and will launch “Kintyre Wind” – the community collaboration project for CSO in wind in Kintyre, with all the CSO BenComs being marketed etc through this project.

  • Initial work-ups and discussion of BenCom Community Share Offer document.

  • Confirmation from OSCR that the East Kintyre Community Fund is now registered as a Charity with them – this will be one of the 3 Anchor Members of the BenCom set-up for the SPR CSO.

Increased Maximum CBF Grants from Cour Wind Farm (31/01/21)

We are delighted to report that Cour Wind Farm has increased the top line grant figure from £25k to £50k. The annual Cour Community Benefit Fund (administered by FERN Community Funds for Octopus) of £102,500 since the wind farm was energised in 2017 has resulted in £410,000 of funding being made available. To date the Cour Fund has granted £173,769 of funding to 35 projects. Look out for the next tranche opening in early March with a closing date at the end of April.

Proposed Clachaig Glen Wind Farm - Public Consultation (27/1/21)

RWE (formally E.ON Climate & Renewables) received consent from the Scottish Government in December 2019 for 14 turbines for 25 years to a max tip height of 126.5m and rotor diameter of 101m. A request for a scoping opinion was submitted in July 2020 to the Scottish Ministers in respect of the Clachaig Glen Wind Farm proposal for a reduction in turbines onsite to 12, for an increased operational period to 35 years and increased blade tip height to a maximum 180m and rotor diameter of 140m. RWE will be holding an online public consultation for the proposals via a dedicated Virtual Consultation Room which can be accessed via their new project website from 29th January – The Virtual Consultation Room contains detailed information relating to the proposals, with a comment form available so that feedback can be provided to the project team. This feedback will be used by RWE, in conjunction with the various technical and environmental studies undertaken as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (process, to help shape and inform the proposals. Feedback on the proposals should be returned to us by no later than 5pm on Friday 12th March 2021. As part of the consultation, RWE will also be holding a question and answer session via interactive text from the project website. This will take place on 24th February (3-7pm) and provide an opportunity for residents and other stakeholders to directly engage with members of the project team.

EKREG Ltd lead CSO negotiations on behalf of all local communities of Kintyre (18/01/21)

Agreements are now in place for EKREG Ltd to take the lead and explore community shared ownership (CSO) opportunities in new/repowered local wind farm developments on behalf of:

Scottish Government Local Energy Policy Statement (12/01/21)

Scottish Government have released their 2021 Local Energy Policy Statement. "In anticipation of a ‘new normal’ it is paramount that we all work together. In doing so we have a chance to build a fairer and greener society and economy – one that will thrive." Paul Wheelhouse MSP, Minister for Energy, Connectivity and theIslands

EKREG Meeting with Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust (05/01/21)

EKREG held an informative meeting via Zoom with Tarbert and Skipness Community Council and Trust on Shared Community Investment in Renewables on 5 January. Following the meeting, Tarbert & Skipness Community Trust(T&SCT) signed a Memorandum of Understanding for EKREG Ltd to take the lead and explore community shared ownership opportunities on their behalf.

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (31/12/20)

  • Engagement with SPR regards NDA and Termsheet. Holding email received – now have to wait until the NY

  • Engagement with Ethex on process and details required for placing of a possible BenCom share offering on Ethex website.

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (30/11/20)

  • Engagement with SPR – SPR are looking to supply Termsheet in December.

  • Update provided to the three Community Councils.

  • Engagement with Abundance regards timing etc of CSO documents.

  • Initial foundation work on possible BenCom share offering and where to place.

Earraghail - Public Information Event (20/11/20)

Details of the Earraghail RenewableDevelopment Public Information Event can be found at online. Due to covid 19 instead of a a public information day the proposal will be available online with request for comments to be provided by 16 December 2020.

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (31/10/20)

  • Completion of the East Kintyre grant dispensing charity documentation, agreement over initial trustees and application to OSCR for approval.

  • MCSOREP Benn Comm model rules marketed via website, local paper and LES newsletter.

  • Discussion with LES over Community requirements vs need for level of FCA certification in Financial advisor to Community.

The East Kintyre Community Fund (28/10/20)

Registration documentation for The East Kintyre Community Fund (the charity that is to be established to oversee the dissemination of funds incoming from windfarms to strategic development, education and regeneration projects as outlined in the East Kintyre Local Development Plan) have been submitted to OSCR.

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (30/09/20)

  • Engagement with the three Community Councils over the template set of documented control processes for the Grant-making Charity needed by each Community Council as Anchor members in the BaT3 Ben Com. Initial structural work on East Kintyre website for access to EK grant forms etc completed. Permission sought and granted from FCA and Companies House for East Kintyre’s charity name.

  • Engagement with SPR – gave detailed feedback on 1st pass SPR supplied NDA

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (31/08/20)

  • Work on Guide to the new Multi-Community Ben Com model rules and sponsoring process (for use by other communities) has been completed.

  • A template set of documented control processes for the Grant-making Charity needed by each Community Council as Anchor members in the BaT3 Ben Com has been drafted and sent to the 3 community councils - a constitution, a code of conduct, a delegation of powers process, a conflict of interest process as well as a grant-making policy. These will be needed in the OSCR registration process.

  • Engagement with SPR – confirmation that BaT3 CSO termsheet will be presented ‘late Autumn’ .

Kintyre Renewable Energy Community Group is Leading the Way in Scotland (19/08/20)

East Kintyre Renewable Energy Group (EKREG) is leading the way in Scotland to enable Community Councils to work in partnership and deliver MULTI COMMUNITY SHARED OWNERSHIP IN RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECTS (SOREP). EKREG Ltd has recently been successful in having their new set of Model Rules approved and registered by The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

For further information please read our Press Release and Multi-Community SOREP page.

Carradale Community Trust Report - EKREG (06/08/20)

It is a year now since East Kintyre Renewable Energy Group (EKREG), a small group of local volunteers, came together, as a sub-group of CCT, to explore the opportunities that consented renewable energy developments might offer the communities of East Kintyre. Full Report

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (31/07/20)

  • After further discussions with the FCA, they confirmed REGISTRATION of new model rules for Multi-Community Shared Ownership in Renewable Energy Projects with EKREG Ltd as sponsoring body.

  • EKREG working on Guide to the new model rules and sponsoring process (for use by other communities).

  • Discussions with various parties on PWLB Loans for CSO. Requests for Scottish Government Guidelines/advise to Local Authorities have now been submitted into the Scottish Government – at Minister & Cabinet Secretary level.

Clachaig Glen Section 36 Scoping Report (21/07/20)

A request for a scoping opinion has been submitted to the Scottish Ministers by AECOM Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited on behalf of RWE Renewables UK Developments Ltd in respect of the Clachaig Glen Wind Farm proposal. The Proposed Development comprises a reduction in turbines onsite with 12 now proposed (down from 14 under the Consented Development) and seeks an increased operational period of 35 years (the operational period is 25 years in the Consented Development). The Proposed Development proposes to increase the blade tip height to a maximum 180m, up from the 126.5m maximum tip height in the Consented Development. The Proposed Development maximum rotor diameter is 140m, an increase from the Consented Development which looked to use rotors with a diameter of approximately 101m. Full details can be found by inserting Clachan Glen in the Simple Search option at Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit. If you wish to make any representation please check out the full details and send your comments by 11 August 2020 to Econsents­ (please note that there is an underscore _ between Econsents and Admin)

High Constellation Windfarm Planning Application Announcement (01/07/20)

We can confirm from Energy Consents Unit Scotland that the Scottish Ministers have approved High Constellation Wind Farm planning application. A copy of the decision letter and plans are available to view at reference number ECU00001857 or search High Constellation Wind Farm on the Scottish Government Energy Consents website.

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (30/06/20)

EKREG's tender process for the BaT3 Legal and Financial Advisers has been put on hold until a Term Sheet is provided by SPR. This will allow a more focussed tendering process and also the new timelines in light of any Covid-19 impact on construction timelines once known.

Earraghail Renewable Energy Development - Community Consultation Dates (17/06/20)

ScottishPower Renewables invite you to participate in public consultation on the draft proposals for the Earraghail Renewable Energy Development. The site in north Kintyre is anticipated to consist of about 13 wind turbines of up to 200m. Live presentations will be made on the project website and live question/answer sessions on 29 June, 30 June and 2 July. For Public Consultation Leaflet and full details click here.

FLS Registration of Interest (01/06/20)

EKREG as formal sub-group of CCT, with support from East Kintyre and West Kintyre Community Councils have registered interest in the 3 currently-leased blocks of land including and adjacent to Deucheran Hill windfarm so that the communities are informed 6 months in advance of the expiry of the existing lease and can then decide as to whether they wish to pursue a CATS application for the transfer of these Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) assets to the community.

Energy Savings Trust Grant (01/06/20)

Following a bid to the Energy Savings Trust, a grant of £950 had been received to reimburse the fee paid to the FCA for their processing of ‘Model Rules’ to underpin the establishment of multi-community BenComm’s.

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (31/05/20)

EKREG Ltd sent out Invitations to Tender on 15 May 2020 for the provision of financial and legal assistance to support the potential community investment in the Beinn an Tuirc 3 windfarm development. The experienced independent advisors will advise the community on all financial and legal aspects associated with the investment, from the incorporation and setting-up of the correct community vehicle, assessing the investment proposition through to finalisation of the funding packages.

Earraghail Renewable Energy Development - Scoping Request (01/05/20)

ScottishPower Renewables have submitted a formal Scoping Request to the Scottish Government in relation to a proposed renewable energy development located at Earraghail on Skipness and Corranbuie Forests, north of Skipness and south of Tarbert. Full details can be found at Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit

EKREG CARES Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Monthly Report (30/04/20)

  • EKREG Ltd have signed MoU with the CSO invited Community Councils (EKCC, WKCC, CCC) to act on their behalf in the CSO offer

  • Initial Outline Community Share Ownership Offer received from Scottish Power Renewables

  • EKREG Ltd have registered new Community Benefit Society Model Rules with FCA

Local Energy Scotland- Enablement Grant (BaT3 CSO) Success (14/04/20)

EKREG Ltd are pleased to announce they have been successful in their application for a Scottish Government Community & Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) Enablement grant of £25,000. This funding will be used towards the costs for financial and legal advisors that the Community will need along with any set-up costs for the Community Investment Vehicle, should the Shared Ownership in Beinn an Tuirc 3 Term Offer from SPR be financially attractive to the Community.

East Kintyre Local Development Plan 2020-2025 (1/04/20)

Carradale Community Trust and East Kintyre Community Council have released their 2020-2025 East Kintyre Local Development Plan.

Airigh Windfarm Planning Application Announcement (24/3/20)

We can confirm from Energy Consents Unit Scotland that the Scottish Ministers have approved Airigh Wind Farm planning application. A copy of the decision letter is available to view at reference number ECU00000471 or search Airigh Wind Farm on the Scottish Government Energy Consents website at the following link:

Beinn an Tuirc 3 Teleconference with Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) (18/03/20)

Due to the developing Covid 19 crisis, EKREG along with representative from East/West Kintyre, Campbeltown and Arran Community Councils had to move to a teleconference with Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) and their financial advisors to discuss both community benefits and community investment in Beinn an Tuirc 3 Windfarm (now under construction). It was agreed that EKREG will be the engagement vehicle for SPR until such time as the community investment vehicle is established. If successful, this could be the first multi-community investment in a non-subsidy windfarm in Scotland

The East Kintyre Windfarm Trust Fund - Open for Applications (01/03/20)

Attention all community groups - The East Kintyre Windfarm Trust Fund is now open for applications. Details can be found on this website at EKWFT. Applications close 23 April 2020.

The Cour Windfarm Community Benefit Fund - Open for Applications (24/02/20)

Attention all community groups - The Cour Windfarm Community Benefit Fund is now open for applications. Details can be found on attached flyer (Applications close 30 April 2020)

Narachan Windfarm Application (12/02/20)

EnergieKontor UK Ltd has applied for planning consent pursuant to Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989, for the installation and operation of a wind farm comprising 17 turbines with ground to blade height of up to 180m and an accompanying electricity storage facility, with a total generating capacity exceeding 50 MW. If you wish to make any representation please check out the full details at Narachan Wind Farm Development on ECU website and submit your representation.

EKREG Presentation to Southend and The Laggan Community Councils (29/1/20)

EKREG were delighted to meet with Southend and The Laggan Community Councils to give a presentation on Community Shared Ownership in Wind Farms. Following the meeting, both Southend Community Council and The Laggan signed Memorandums of Understanding for EKREG Ltd to take the lead and explore community shared ownership opportunities on their behalf.

EKREG Meeting with Community Councils and Development Trusts (23/1/20)

EKREG held a very successful and constructive meeting with representatives from East Kintyre, West Kintyre, and Campbeltown Community Councils, as well as South Kintyre Development Trust, Carradale Community Trust and Machrihanish Airbase Community Company to update the communities on the work EKREG has been undertaking over the last 5 months and how we might best progress CSO. The presentation provided clarification on current discussions and the future pathway. Briefing Note          

Sheirdrim Windfarm Application (27/12/19)

SPR (UK) Ltd has applied to the Scottish Ministers for consent under Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 to construct and operate Sheirdrim Renewable Energy Development including 19 turbines with ground to blade height of up to 149.9m. If you wish to make any representation please check out the full details at Sheirdrim Renewable Energy Development on ECU website and respond by 31 January 2020.

Windfarm Planning Application Announcements (19/12/19)

We can confirm from Energy Consents Unit Scotland that the Scottish Ministers have decided the following planning applications:

  • Tangy IV - Approved

  • Clachaig Glen - Approved

  • Killean - Refused (Decision Letter)

EKREG Ltd to lead Shared Ownership negotiations on behalf of local communities (11/12/19)

Agreements are now in place for EKREG Ltd to take the lead and explore community shared ownership opportunities in new/repowered local wind farm developments on behalf of East Kintyre Community Council (EKCC), West Kintyre Community Council (WKCC), Campbeltown Community Council (CCC) and South Kintyre Development Trust (SKDT).

Potential Hydro Sites in East Kintyre (5/12/19)

Five sites on Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) land within EKCC boundaries were identified as possible community interest hydro sites and registered with FLS. To find out more click the full report at: A Technical and Economic Scoping Study of Potential Hydro Sites Based on Forest and Land Scotland land within the EKCC Boundary. A useful report to read alongside this is "Linking Local Power and Local People" - A Review of potential commercial arrangements for facilitating ‘Virtual Private Wire’ grid connections.

Narachan Windfarm Information session (4/12/19)

EnergieKontor UK Ltd, will be holding an information session on the proposed Narachan Windfarm on Wednesday, 4 December from 4 - 7pm in Carradale Village Hall. Narachan Windfarm is located east of Tayinloan at Narachan Hill. The information session will also be presented at Tayinloan Village Hall on 3 December (4-7pm). This is a follow up to the Q&A session held on 19 September with an updated /revised layout and showing the zone of theoretical visibility. Papers lodged by EnergieKontor can be found on the Scottish Governments Energy Consents Unit website and inserting Narachan in the search button.

EK Community Open Day (9/11/19)

The Carradale Community Trust Planning Group, with the help of the East Kintyre Community Council, are ready to present a series of local development options to the community at their Open Day on 9 November 2019. Come along and find out what windfarms are in the pipeline and how East Kintyre Renewable Energy Group could help assist in achieving a long term community development plan.

EKREG Ltd to lead Shared Ownership negotiations on behalf of local communities (16/10/19)

Agreements are now in place for EKREG Ltd to take the lead and explore community shared ownership opportunities in new/repowered local wind farm developments on behalf of most Kintyre communities.

Narachan Windfarm Q&A Info Session (19/9/19)

As part of the work of the East Kintyre Renewable Energy Group (EKREG), a meeting was arranged for Ciorstaidh Couston, a Project Manager with EnergieKontor UK Ltd, to hold an 'informal' Q&A/Drop-in session on 19 September in Carradale Village Hall aka Narachan Windfarm. The event was reasonably well attended by local residents. If consented, Narachan will constitute one of the largest wind farms yet in Kintyre with up to 22 turbines up to 200 metres tall proposed. It will be situated on the edge of the EKCC boundary on the ridge between Deucharan and Cour Windfarms and will likely be visible from some distance including Carradale Harbour and Golf Course as well as from West Kintyre. Papers lodged by EnergieKontor can be found on the Scottish Governments Energy Consents Unit website and inserting Narachan in the search button.